Song Of Paean: A Cherub Victory


"Song Of Paean: A Cherub Victory"

A million words in my mind Yet can't find the title for this chapter A million words in my mind, for this chapter. But eclipsing the rest, is Gratitude. On, I'm looking, sorting through the million words. And there they are, these too stick out a mile: Grace, Miracles, Abundance, Light, Love, Purpose, Divinity, Ethereality... Seeing all these words from the millions of them, I see Beauty. Ethereal Beauty, embedded in piety. But I wouldn't see them, save for Patience. And, save for the voice within, Saying, "you'll see all needing to be seen, with Patience"... And as I see these words, with Patience. I see my mind's eye: "the force". In my mind's eyes, I see Victory. Here comes the voice within Saying, "Oh cherub, the force has been with you". And, to my mouth comes songs of Victory. No prize set, yet in my arms lies the laurels. Embedded in my heart is Light Still, a million words in my mind. Yet can't find the title for this chapter But with my heart and mouth I chant my paean, to "the greater force". Here goes my song of paean Wafting to the pearly gates, like sweet incense. Here comes the voice within: "Oh cherub may the light in your heart today be forever" "May the greater force remain with you" "Darling dearest, remain true-blue in Patience." "Thusly, piety finds you. Bearing for you a million more words, and titles". "There goes the title of your chapter this day" "Oh cherub there goes your song of paean; victory!". I have a new song! Old but gold.


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