Chocolate Cosmos

"Chocolate Cosmos"

Where do I begin with you?
It's simple with you
Yet so twisted
Twisted for the impatient ones

Your kind is believed to be extinct
How untrue, you're not extinct!
In a cut and dried world,
You're hidden in plain sight.

Dear Chocolate Cosmos
In a world of roses
You've become rare to find
A beauty rare to find

In a world full of basics
You stand out uniquely
Dear Chocolate Cosmos
You are an unusual beauty to behold

In a make-believe world
A world where roses are painted
Your originality is overwhelming
Your simplicity is sophisticated

Painted and all, they wither by dusk
And by God you're just blooming at dusk!
Your scent even plush by then
Your charm is hard-core!

Your charm is never short-lived
Come dawn or dusk you're you!
You don't give half of you
You give in full and in truth

Dear Chocolate Cosmos
Don't worry about being underrated
Don't worry if they pass you by
You're not for everyone

You're uniquely special
You're not for the undeserving
A rare gem for the deserving
Only those who know can tell

With little or no adornments,
You don't get more than a passing glance
On a closer and detailed glance,
You're all charms and sweet scent.

Your beauty runs deeper than the surface
You're not glossy, to the blind bats!
How can they not see the shine?
A shine from within, your shine!

Unpopular you are but priceless
You don't need that much crowd
All you need is the right crowd
To give you the care you deserve

And by God you shall get it!
Be unbothered by the rose rush
Dear Chocolate Cosmos
The right crowd will find you

Heaven forbid you wither before they do!
I hope you never mock patience
I hope you give faith a fighting chance
Have no fear, time will reward you.


  1. An epitome of masterly finesse

  2. The Cosmos is infinite and mysterious. Chocolate is dark and sweet.
    Chocolate Cosmos is a sweet combination of deep, sweet sayings; jewels that sparkle like stars; and hidden symbolism.
    It celebrates the spirit!

    1. Blessed are you amongst menπŸ™πŸ‘


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